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How long is the main quest? (and Dawnguard)


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Sorry if the title is confusing. Really have no proper way of phrasing this.


How many in-game time would it take to complete the main quest? The game doesn't rush you to complete the games quests but I'm pretty sure the story half of this issue don't have such a luxury.


Could someone give an approximation of the number of in-game number of day/months/years it would take for the heroes to complete the main quest line? (As an added thankyou could include the Dawnguard in the situation).


The conditions that modify this are: You only do quests directly related to the main one, in assumption the hero has no prior knowledge of the future (Such as the golden claw, the college of winterhold opening, the thieves guild etc). Never fasts travels anywhere (uses carriages to all required holds), and few rests are made.


I'm trying to do research for a simple fanfiction, nothing too spectacular. I just wanted to make time skips reasonable.


In addition I also did a run through/roleplay of the main quest with 4 followers. (Lydia, Derkeethus, Erandur, and Golldir) Requirements being I cannot fight very well on my own only buffs, healing, and other support style things are used extensively(Smithing, alchemy, enchanting, restoration, alteration, and illusion). Meaning I rarely level any of my offense. But I have to manage my followers as best I can. And by Jesus was it hard! I had to reload several times, in order to get even one thing right. Managing several idiots at once on easy mode was just as hard as a solo runs at max difficulty. Their AI was atrocious and the lack of balancing for group play is very apparent (No mid level heal other/grand healing, no casting mage armor for others, no potion tossing for quick help). I had to stop myself from jumping into the fray and doing it myself several times. But it gave me some much needed perspective on the character I am trying to make. Would you try this "Follower dependent" run?

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Depeneding on your play style and how into RP you are it varies wildly. I think I got the whole main quest done in about 2 months game time. However as soon as I began stopping at night for inns and such, I think I ended up finishing in about 5 or 6 months. Of course I used and leveled a lot of offensive things and still used fast travel a lot as well as did a few side quests here and there. For a book though, I'd say 9 months of so would be a good estimate. Might be a little long, but you could always fill it out with side quests and such.


It starts in the 4th Era year 201, 17th day of Last Seed (All TES games start on the 17th of Last Seed I think), so with a calender that had the months and some math you could figure it out by powering through the main quest.

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Dawnguard supposed to have 20 hours of game play and I play up to 5 to 8 hours a day since I'm out of work and on Canadian disability [O.D.S.P] for life , and it takes me about 10 to 16 hours or two days to get through dawnguard [one needs his sleep after all], the main game quests take forever to get through and I've yet to complete the game completely in my 800 hours of game play, I start a new game every time a mod updates or I find a new mod!..
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Thanks for the help. And I kind of found a cheat mod for it. It changes the days date and time to the english(Or other language equivalent). I can't remember exactly if it used standard time or military time though. Anyway I'll be using that mod and a timer to find out how many hours.


Again I pose the question would you do a "Team supporter" kind of roleplay? Leveling only your support skills and manage a team from afar, while your partners handle heavy combat. It was hair pulling for me near the end game. Would you consider it a worthy challenge?

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No. There's not enough buffs in the vanilla game to make playing a support character worthwhile. If I could summon armor and weapons, give them stone flesh and the such, maybe, but as far as vanilla goes, all I can do is heal them and give them mage light.
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You have a strong point there. Especially if you're using the vanilla follower system. The only reason I was able to get through it was with specialized followers, several overhauls (mainly to magic and smithing), and a follower over haul(Amazing follower tweaks and Extensive follower Framework was perfect for this kind of run). Unfortunately non of the mods could coherently support a true team play experience. The only mod that consciously supported that ideal was a follower with very sophisticated AI. (can't remember the name for the life of me). So yeah that sucked with or without mods.
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