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why no werelions


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now before i start id like to say i dont have skyrim on pc only on the xbox but i love to see mods for it they show a great source of creativity now ive had an idea for a mod that id like to see in the elderscrolls lore there is talk of werelions. werelions are simply khajiit with Lycanthropy now i dont know how to mod a game at all but i figure someone could figure it out and have an idea how it could work take the basic werewolf modle and replace the head with a sabrecat head and then recolor the body. after that make where only khajiit can use it again i dont know how to do any of this but id love to see this done and its lore friendly



what you you think could it be done or would it be too difficult again i dont know . does it sound cool

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ive looked every where for something like should have kept looking eh like i said above i dont have a pc that could work skyrim but i will soon so this is going on the mod list thanks


No worries, I had to search Google to find it. I couldn't remember the name and werecat didn't come up in the Nexus search. Have fun with your soon-to-be gaming PC :)

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