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Issue with enabled objects not falling.

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This again. This time player blows up a rockfall to clear a path and I want a few boulders to fall out of the sky at the end of the explosion. I placed some disabled boulders, the ones used in falling rocks trap, and as a test I made a onTriggerEnter script to enable them. They enable but don't fall unless hit with a projectile. I guess there is a sneaky way to do this, after enabling them shoot a dart at the rocks but why should I have to do this. Is there a way I can just make them fall when enabled?

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This is quite bizarre, i'm using this rocks in one of my scenes as debris after an earthquake that makes a ceiling crash down (and i'm using like 30 of those), i'm using the same logic, enable the disabled "TrapFallingRock".

Just for clarification : Activators/Traps/FallingRocks/.....

Now, either you have a mod install that alters havok like "Havok Positiong or Rectified System", i don't really remember the name of it, but i had come across a mod in the past that is suppose to rectified the vanilla Havok system, and i did found some wierd issues with it. Or, is SSE issue.

If this is the case, then a quick work around is to place an xMarker with a light script on it that "OnTriggerEnter" will "PlaceAtMe" (at the xMarker position) the "TrapFallingRocks".

* The rocks don't have in the properties and enable/disable or any other way to control their havok.

Edited by maxarturo
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