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I'm new to modding Skyrim. I've played Fallout 3 a second time fully modded and it changed the way of playing drastically. As this was a lot of fun, I'd like to try this on Skyrim as well. I did some research and find some interesting mods. But when playing Fallout 3, I experienced a lot of mods conflicting with eachother, messing up my game. So before I start to change Skyrim and playing it from scratch I'd like your advice on this. Here's a list of mods I'd like to endorse. If only some of you veterans want to check it out and see if it'll work, I'd be very grateful. You'll see that these mods are often the most named on the internet. If by chance you think something is missing and that I'd really should try or you find mods that are outdated: please inform me. I just want the ultimate Skyrim experience. I know it's a big list and therefore my appologies!



Unofficial Skyrim Patch - By Kivan & Mod Team

SkyUI - By SkyUI Team

Headbomb's Better Sorting - By Headbomb

Warzones - Civil Unrest - By MyGoodEye

Skyrim Enhanced Shaders FX - By Tapioks

Skyrim HD - 4K/2K Textures - By Nebula

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - By Brumbek

Complete Crafting Overhaul, Smithing Perks Overhaul, Weapons & Armor Fixes - By Headbomb

Enhanced High-Level Gameplay - By Eric

Balanced Magic: - By Mysty

No More Blocky Faces

iHUD - The Immersive HUD

FXAA Post Process Injector

Enhanced Night Skyrim

Midas Magic

Val’s Crafting Meltdown

Millenia Weapon Retexture Project

Quality World Map with Roads

Weapons of the Third Era

Jaysus Swords

Bellyache’s Animal Pack

Realistic Smoke and Embers

Realistic Water

Skyrim Sunglare

Spend Dragon Souls for Perks

Move it Dammit

Total Realism Overhaul


Specialized Smaller Mods Worth Your Time:

Better Dynamic Snow

Bloodier Combat

Enhanced Blood Textures

Deadly Spell Impacts

Improved NPC Clothing

Shadow Striping Fix

Spells Will Give Off Light

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Try this S.T.E.P. He has most of the mods you listed, he goes threw installing them step by step, and has a whole team of testers checking for compatibility. Plus there are lite options for slower rigs and extreme options for a beast. I can't over recommend it. By the time your done you'll get a feel for what mods are safer. For instance a mod with a lot of game impact that hasn't been updated in 5 months, might not be so safe. Or a mod with 500 endorsements and 1600 comments ending with a "?", might not be so safe. Good luck with whatever you choose.
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