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Oblivion's LOD settings [Both in-game and INI] fail to save. HELP.


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Let me put a long story short. All the LOD fades fail to save at all. I can edit them in game, and even use the saveini command, but as soon as I exit the menu, pause, and return to the menu, all but Tree Fade have reset, and it's getting annoying. My character should be able to see grass 2 feet in front of her. Can anyone help me? Maybe tell me what to edit in the ini, which, yes, I have modified to no avail, or make me an INI that'll STICK? I hate to swear [Well, I really don't, but the communtiy often dislikes it] but it's pissing my f*ck off. I hate seeing an Aloe Vera plant fade in literally a foot and half away. Can someone PLEASE help me? :/
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Nope. I was GONNA, but I took one look at it and my head nearly exploded. too complicated for a blonde ditz like me to install. Lol [Not insulting anyone, I really am an idiot sometimes... And blonde. That doesn't help.]
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Make sure you are editing Oblivion.ini and not default_Oblivion.ini (which is found in your game's Oblivion folder). Oblivion.ini will be found in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Vista and Win 7 and in 'Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Win XP. Edited by Striker879
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I've edited them both to see if it'd work. I'll probably resort to the deletion thing later on. Right now it's okay, Grass is my only real issue. But doors and shizit are still kinda poofy at illogical distances. Thanks guys.
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If you've edited default_Oblivion.ini you now have no way to get back to true default settings when you recreate your Oblivion.ini (which is what happens when you rename/delete your old non-working Oblivion.ini and then start the game ... it creates a new Oblivion.ini based on the file default_Oblivion.ini plus your detected hardware). Hope you saved a backup.
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