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I'm starting to understand how Help works in console command


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Last night I used help in console window to get the ref id of a field commander I wanted to kill,[after civil was done] he was essential but after typing his first name beside help his ref id came up and I used seteessential <ref id> 0 and wiped out a camp!..


And this week I installed Immersive Armors and all the armors are made in smith or can be found with help in console, I couldn't find the Heroic Stormcloak Armor in the smith menu, so I typed help Heroic and found the codes to add them to my inventory


Only thing I found odd was when I typed Help guard it brought up the console command code to clear your bounty for the guard factions a bunch of them


The only thing I can't do still is when the help brings up a long list of codes, I can't scroll the long list with the up down arrows beside the num lock keys or use the num lock keys don't help navigate the help menu or I haven't figured it out!..


I'm on a laptop and don't use the touch pad mouse, but a wireless mouse instead and I use the xbox controller for windows the corded USB version no batteries required

Edited by sinnerman69
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The only thing I can't do still is when the help brings up a long list of codes, I can't scroll the long list with the up down arrows beside the num lock keys or use the num lock keys don't help navigate the help menu or I haven't figured it out!..


Page Up and Page Down allow you to scroll through the console. It took me a while to figure it out too.

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One thing I don't understand is if you type in a certain characters name (I.E Lydia) it gives you the wrong ID. I discovered this after I tried countless times to find (and bring back) Lydia. Tried to correct a glitch where she wouldn't appear for some reason.


Might be doing something wrong. So what exactly causes this?

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sinnerman, that wasn't the PCs refID you got from typing his name into "help". It was his baseID. You get the refID by clicking on him in-game, because the refID pertains to the spawned instance of an object, and not to the base instance of that object. "setessential" works with baseIDs so you lucked out, there.


If you were to use "moveto player" on that ID, though, it wouldn't work, because you need to move the spawned instance, and not the "template" upon which that instance is based -- hence, you click on the actor and use that as the refID for those commands that require them. One of the commands that requires a refID is the "enable" command. Also "ressurrect". I'm guessing this is what wuffser attempted to do to bring back Lydia, but you were using her baseID, and that's not going to work. You can find her refID in the wiki.

Edited by Moraevik
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The only thing I can't do still is when the help brings up a long list of codes, I can't scroll the long list with the up down arrows beside the num lock keys or use the num lock keys don't help navigate the help menu or I haven't figured it out!..


Page Up and Page Down allow you to scroll through the console. It took me a while to figure it out too.



I just looked on my keyboard more closely and seen Pg Up and Pg Dn above my num lock keys, I was trying to use the up and down arrow keys below the right shift button on my keyboard :blush:


Moraevik I forgot to say in my original post to add that I did point my cross-hairs or cursor on him too, I don't always remember steps I did and forget to mention or explain that and I had just woken up when I made this thread earlier on and no caffeine fix yet :confused:



wuffser you might have to use all lower casing letters in spelling when using help

Edited by sinnerman69
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The only thing I can't do still is when the help brings up a long list of codes, I can't scroll the long list with the up down arrows beside the num lock keys or use the num lock keys don't help navigate the help menu or I haven't figured it out!..


Page Up and Page Down allow you to scroll through the console. It took me a while to figure it out too.

I rarely use these so hadn't gone through a lot of trouble to figure out why I couldn't scroll but thanks for this. Now when I do want to use them I can actually find what I want without a ton of hassle. :thumbsup:

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