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Sound emitter mods?


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Settlement Objects Expansion has a lot of special FX craftable objects, including klaxon lights, pulsing lights, mist, fire, sparks, etc.


Yes, I use that...but I'm looking for "sounds" not visuals. That being said if you know of any other mods that add other visual FX I would be interested in those as well.


I am making some dungeon designs that are very un-Fallout like with very large open spaces...notably caverns, gigantic rooms, caves, etc...they are way too silent in areas until you get right up on an object emitting sounds.


Either sound emitters or some ability to set the volume/rolloff levels of placed objects would be ideal. A mod that could let you also add your own sounds would be awesome as well <hint>Zorkaz </hint>. :)


Before someone suggests it, yes I know the CK would be the way to go with what I am doing. But without going into details I am in a situation where I simply do not have the free time available to put towards learning it right now.

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