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Multiples of The Same Object In My Posters Mod?


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I have been playing around with making a simple posters mod, for settlements.

Now I see, in game, in the workshop, I have 3 of the same poster.

I checked in the CK & I only have one static object for it & only one recipe, linked to it. I have no clue why I see 3.

Only one of them shows the "Build With" display when placing.

Anyone know of a possible cause?

Thanks! :smile:





As I suspected, there were two other recipes linked to that object.

I accidentally created them when experimenting with the "Duplicate & Rename."

Because of my complete lack of understanding of how that form works, it named them something else, that did not have my prefix & was not visible due to my search filter.

Tracked them down, deleted them & now it works fine.


By the way, anyone know how to use that Dupe & Rename? Ha ha :D


Edited by NexTextGorilla
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