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Everything "white" reflects harsh red light


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So I've started up Skyrim and went to start a new game just to see that the game is dark and everything not black/dark reflects a harsh red light.
I've already reinstalled my ENB but nothing changed.
At night time everything is normal but at day time it looks like this (Both pictures were taken at 9am ingame time):
(Here the picture in higher res https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1802396196)

(Here the picture in higher res https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1802396302)


I hope somebody can help me with this since I had problems with skyrim just being too bright and now this happened


LOOT and TES5EDIT didn't find anything wrong either.


EDIT: It was the ELFX Weathers Plugin causing problems

Edited by Dovahgamer1208
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