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cant get rid of Zune software

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so i installed Zune to my laptop, since i just got a new SSD. everything was fine until i tried to move the Zune file from my C: drive to my D: drive. tried to cut and paste and it didnt wanna cut them all and some got left in C: which just messed everything up. went to delete the program with CCleaner but it couldnt find the program im guessing because it was in two different places. couldnt delete the folders because i needed SYSTEM permissions. so i downloaded this other program called UnZoone which is supposed to get rid of Zune completely. it ran without any problems. didnt work. Ran CCleaner again, got rid of all the cookies and junk on my laptop. then cleaned out the registry and whatnot. rebooted and it didnt work. do a seach for "zune" on my C: drive and all the .dll files and everything (was 118 files, now there are 34) are all still there. cant redownload the software because the software quits out once its does an update check and says everything is up to date on my PC.


so, if possible, does anyone know how to get rid of this stuff? either manually or some other software that will do it? i just need to clean it all out so i can redownload the Zune software. and this time not mess with it lol.





I was able to get rid of all but 6 .dll files and 1 .dll.mui file by changing the permissions on the folder. these last 7 files cant be deleted because they are in use by WUDFHost.exe. used the Task Manager to find the .exe and end the process, the files still said they were in use by the .exe and couldnt be deleted. ugh....Zune downloader still says everything is up to date and stops there :/




went to the Zune support link on the website. downloaded Microsoft Fix It from there. and it removed everything. those last 7 files. downloaded Zune again no problem, this time to the D: drive during installation. so i guess it would have been easier to just go tot he Zune site to begin with. haha made everything much more complicated then it needed to be :P but



Edited by hoofhearted4
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