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Announcing Legend of Grimrock Nexus


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Great that they are cooperating with you guys. I started the game some time ago and let it slide, it is kind of fun work for me since other games are easier to play, especially for my generation which grew up with the N64 and Gameboy. But I'm sure I'll pick it up again someday. Right now I'm on a mission to play unfinished and untouched games I own to the end, currently playing Zelda Twilight Princess. ^^ Edited by domanz
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Wow. Legends of Grimrock is OLD SCHOOL. I literally had a full blown nostalgia attack when I started playing. It's literally EXACTLY like playing Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, or a dozen other games like that which cam out from 1985 to 1995. Except with FAR better graphics.


Best $15 I've spent in the past two weeks.

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im glad the nexus is starting a legend of grimrock nexus, cause not only is it cool to have support for a brilliant new game (havent played, but it looks brilliant!) but this is doubtless to give it more coverage and get the word out to gamers that it exists :)


i for one will be buying it!


@hector530 just means you gotta make the boobs so mahoosive that you can see them in first person! xD

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