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answer about installation of mods in NMM


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When there are mods (like textures) splitted in more parts, or when there are updates, the mod has more than one file. When installing second/third file shall i do "no -> install as new mod" or "yes -> update/overwrite" ? (I always do no but i have a lot of freezes in game)


Why no mod description ever say what doing with NMM answer???

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This is too vague to understand. Please give a specific example.

However, to respond broadly to your question, most mod authors do have detailed instructions about installation, updates, and mod removal, in their description and/or readme. If you are looking at a mod without any of that, you may want to keep looking.

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Well, your question is really a bit to unspecific. It strongly depends on the mod itself.

I for myself usually say "no, don't overwrite". Everything works like a charm for me, which might be because I did a complete new installation the last days, including mods, and putting everything into a decent order.

A good load order sometimes really helps.

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