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F12 generally does it for me, then they're saved in some file tree with lots of folders named with numbers, but Steam opens up a popup when I exit that gives you the option to upload to Steam and to open the file location. I've seen some people just use the normal Printscreen but I'm not sure if that saves the with steam or just to the clipboard like normal, as I haven't done that.
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It's on a function key? :wallbash: Steam... You crazy Steam... I don't like things on my function keys... For some reason I thought Skyrim would have it's own in game feature for it... I'm not very friendly with Steam, but still reluctantly use it... I suppose I'll see if there's a way to rebind that and look for where they're saved. I haven't poked around at all in the Steam files for it...
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It's on a function key? :wallbash: Steam... You crazy Steam... I don't like things on my function keys... For some reason I thought Skyrim would have it's own in game feature for it... I'm not very friendly with Steam, but still reluctantly use it... I suppose I'll see if there's a way to rebind that and look for where they're saved. I haven't poked around at all in the Steam files for it...


Once I find the folder that steam stores are screenshots in I just make a desktop shortcut of the folder -- screenshots - Shortcut


where there found

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\42850866\760\remote\72850\screenshots"

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For me it's the Print Screen key and they are saved to my Skyrim directory in bmp format.





How did you do this? I'm so used the using the print screen key and checking the games folder from almost every other game I've ever played. I don't know why Steam seems to make things so counter intuitive for me =/ And I think I've found the folder sinnerman mentioned, however it's empty as a result of me not knowing the F12 key did screen shots... :wallbash:

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For me it's the Print Screen key and they are saved to my Skyrim directory in bmp format.





How did you do this? I'm so used the using the print screen key and checking the games folder from almost every other game I've ever played. I don't know why Steam seems to make things so counter intuitive for me =/ And I think I've found the folder sinnerman mentioned, however it's empty as a result of me not knowing the F12 key did screen shots... :wallbash:


If this doesn't work for you you might have to edit your "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini". Find bAllowScreenshot=1 and make sure it's set to 1.




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For me it's the Print Screen key and they are saved to my Skyrim directory in bmp format.





How did you do this? I'm so used the using the print screen key and checking the games folder from almost every other game I've ever played. I don't know why Steam seems to make things so counter intuitive for me =/ And I think I've found the folder sinnerman mentioned, however it's empty as a result of me not knowing the F12 key did screen shots... :wallbash:


If this doesn't work for you you might have to edit your "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini". Find bAllowScreenshot=1 and make sure it's set to 1.





My ini doens't even have that field o.O and I've got a screen shot index thing that's set to 2...? I'm so confused right now

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