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problem with screenshot


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I play Skyrim on the PC. To take screen-shots I simply hit Print-Screen like anyone else. However, when I go to access these screen-shots they are all grey, sheared and on an angle.


They are BMP's, so I downloaded two BMP viewers hoping to fix the issue, it didn't work.


Anyways, any help would be appreciated greatly. Thank you :)

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All I did was to enable screenshots in my Skryim.ini, hit "Print Screen", and look in my Skyrim install folder. My screenshots wind up there and they are perfectly good .bmp files, easily viewable with any viewer which can handle that format. I don't even know how to force Skyrim to make them save as .jpg images, since I suspect using the "Print Screen" key causes the game to utilize Windows' own print screen function (which saves images as .bmp files). Perhaps the .jpg thing is when you're getting your screenshots through Steam, and I think you have to be online with Steam to do that.
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