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Basics of creating oblivion gates, how?

Lord Valarian

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The 'rising from the ground' effect is an animation. Tutorial 'here'. Otherwise, they are a 'door' connecting one location with another location.


It's not clear to me from your remaining questions if you have ever done any modding before or not. Are you looking for 'getting started with the CS and modding in general' stuff, or more on some very specific aspect of the MQ Gates? (Don't recognize 'cvars', but I haven't dug into the MQ scripts either). Please spell out what you are looking for in more detail to get specific responses.



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I'v done mods, small ones and my mega mod AMQS(well mega to me, took some large amounts to code and time to create).




Apparently no one is interested in anymore work on it, but i'm writing more for myself anyway, one bug fix release and that's it. I have chapter one completed. I completed another reward item for companions. It's really handy. I'm trying to figure out what do for the next chapter. Next reward is access to an oblivion gate. It uses another GWS to activate it. It would work like this. You'll have to actually play the mod to understand the context and story.


It has this fun effect. When the Great Welkynd Stone's charge runs out, the light goes out. Three charging crystals slowly rise up from pedestal. When they finish, you see the tower energy GFX on each and the GWS. When it's fully charged, the light goes back on and the tower energy goes out. The crystals slowly go back into the pedestal. It's one of effects you create where you go, "WOW! Did I do that?". :)


After completing a chapter, in a room, you see an inactive gate next to a Great Welkynd Stone. You activate the crystal. A lightning bolt goes from the GWS to the gate. It comes to life. The difference I want between active and inactivate gates, i'm not sure.


I need to know how the animations and the scripts work. To setup the gate to go to a random oblivion world and return you once you grab the sigil stone. The code must operate independently from the main quest.

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You may find some clues on the getting to a random Oblion world and returning after grabbing the Sigil stone from the Aranmathi Ayleid Home mod (it has a portal to a random Oblivion world, so you won't get any clues on the gate animation from it though).
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