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Knock out/Stealth Kill, Heal/Protect NPC


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I love the ability to slit throats by sneaking up to someone in stealth mode and the ability to knock them out instead that mods like Sneak Tools and Knockout Overhaul offer.



However, I would like a few more options:


- stealth kill:

stabbing the lungs from behind

the heart from in front

stop heart spell


- knock out:

using a spell, a more experienced mage may even succeed in putting a whole room to sleep at the cost of magicka regeneration debuffs that last for a set time

offering a drink/food item laced with sleeping potion to them (requires good speech skill; heightened chance for victim to connect you to the crime, even if the victim isn't woken up)

hiding a drink/food item laced with sleep potion in their inventory through reverse pickpocketing

using a force drink spell that makes them drink a sleep potion (poison for kills), fully knowing what it is (for paticularly evil characters)

dart with sleep/paralyzing effects

woken up victims before the effect wears off on its own: unable to fight, wobbly, but chance to remember attack details


Guards and other nearby NPCs:

should become alerted and search for the criminal upon finding a knock-out or stealth kill victim, but not instantly recognize the culprit if s/he walks up to them unarmed afterwards offering to help, though that only works in open areas (if you're trespassing, you're suspect)

should be able to try and shake the victim awake and the victim should then be able to recall details sometimes

should assist victims to Healer/Doctor (each settlement needs at least a Herbalist/Alchemist)



should be able to find robbed and knocked out/stealth kill victims (by a bandit/thief) and be able to help/investigate

can try to wake the knock-out victim up themselves (potion, spell, shake/slap awake) or, failing that (too deeply unconscious, no wake up potion, spell fails) carry the NPC to the next settlement

can also try to heal them after being taught advanced healing spells by Danica


A knocked out or killed NPC should be lootable and the player/or other NPCs should be able to carry them.


Also, you should have the option to redress an NPC if you loot their armor or, if its armor, the NPC should wear some light clothing underneath as a rule.


You should be able to protect NPCs in combat through a spell, temporarily flagging them as essential- essential NPCs should collapse to the ground on health loss, turn ethearal and need to be healed first before they can reenter the fight (by the player or a Healer NPC like Danica, if one is around)

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