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Custom Skeleton


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Well i'm working on animations atm for my mod, are there still no news when it comes to the creation/import of a whole new skeleton or a way to adjust original ones to exactly fit custom meshes? Like for weapons, i'm not talking 'bout slightly modified character skeletons.


This would be a quite exciting progress and would bring modding to a whole new level...


The only thing i've found so far is this guy:


...i'll try to contact him, maybe he has knowledge when it comes to weapon skeletons as well.


I just started to animate stuff but it would be easier to know if there is a way to create a new skeleton or if i have to mess around with the original ones...'cause i haven't found a wave to change bone size yet :(


Any other news or did i miss a progress?



Edited by ghosu
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If your musket mod is the first mod you released, then you wouldn't have seen it until recently... you need to have a mod posted to the Nexus before it becomes visible.


Good luck! I'm a huge fan of early modern military history, so I'm looking forwards to trying your mod once I finally break down and buy DG.

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