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Desperate, please help


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I am trying to improve the lighting in my mod, which is an open-roof cavern and an attached dungeony area.


If I click on the use sky lighting in the cell edit, the sunlight during the day is way too bright, especially in the dungeon, but I get nice day/night transition. However, if I unclick that and use a sunlight light, it does not change from day to night. What am I doing wrong? I have tried a few of the emitters for the sunlight, from weather whiterun to sunlightfx, etc.I will


I suspect I am overlooking something really simple but I have literally spent days on this, read the ck tutorials on lighting (no real treatment of sunlight there) and looked via google.


Please help me! :wallbash: I will be forever grateful, you have no idea!


EDIT: If no one knows how to make the sunlight dynamic, then does anyone know how to make the light turns on when you click the "use sky lighting" have shadows?

Edited by Georgiegril
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Afaik, transitional lighting is controlled by weather/regions (border). For instance, static windows on buildings generally use an inverted weather/region (inverted colors) external emittance so that at night it looks like the lights are on inside.


The easiest way would probably be to assign the external emittance on the ref to a weather/region for normal light markers that have shadows and place them where you want the light. I'm pretty sure the color of the weather will override the base color of the light marker.


For full control, make a new worldspace (bare bones - no refs - like Beths fx world) and put a new region and assign a new weather to it that has the colors you want for Day, Night, Sunrise, Sunset. Then you can assign that to your cell and "use sky lighting" or light markers or both.

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Thank you so much for your reply! I have been tearing my hair out.


The first suggestion, the external emittance, I have tried that without any success. I have a sunlight marker, and have tried various weather emittances like tundra, also light fx that are listed. I get the weather (e.g. rain in the cavern if I don't pick the no precip option) but I don't get the day/night fade, I only seem to get that if I pick use sky lighting.


I also tried making a new worldspace, but I didn't try creating new weathers. I will give that a try, thank you very much for the help.


I am perplexed by assigning external emittance is not working for me, though, since as you write that is is the easiest way, it seems like it works for others. Do you know if there is an other option that affects the extent to which the external emittance works, or some other box I need to check for that to function?

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You may be right that external emittance doesn't work on light markers. I could have sworn it did, but that could have been in Fallout (I switch between and they're very similar editors). There may still be a way, but I'm unsure. You might be able to just go with dim white and use FX beams and what not set to the weather. There would always be a underlying base white, but the FX would transition.


Other than that, you may have to do your own world/region/weather and assign it to the cell to make it less bright. Duplicate or make a new weather, make a new world, load it at least once, open the region editor, select the world in dropdown, add a new region, under weather select enable this type and assign your weather, draw a square region anywhere in the world. Then you should be able to pick that region for the skylight in your cell. Some region stuff from the GECK still applies, not much on the Skyrim wiki yet.


Maybe someone else can chime in on setting external emittance for light markers?

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