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Need Help With NPC Face


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Hi, I am currently working on a mod to change eola. I have finished everything I want to do but I am currently stuck. I have an npc, that my friend created for me, that has the perfect face for what I am looking for. Now I am trying to change eola appearance to look like the other npc I have, but I can't get it to work. I tried just taking eola and copying all the attributes from the other npc. They look alike but they do not look identical. i would assume that if they have everything the same then they would look the same, but they don't.


I would just leave it like this but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and it just does not reach my standards. The face I want to give eola is just one of them faces that if anything is of, it looks horrible. I have tried woking with them in the npc editor but, they just do not match.


What I am asking is if anyone knows of a way I can make eola look like this other npc. Also, I was looking in the character gen menu and i saw that there was a button for importing a .npc file, but I have o idea how to make a .npc file. Is that what I need to do?


Please someone help me. I have been working on this mod for a few weeks and it would suck if I came all this way only for it to fail because the npc is incomplete.


Thanks in advance, Foofy

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Can you at least gave a picture of the 2 characters? I'll try my best to help you.


1. Have you tried to duplicate this other npc?


2. Have you tried the "Use Trait button"?


If you already tried both of my suggestions, and still having the trouble issue. Ask your friend if heshe use some kind of a mod to say, like amplify his/her graphics like the ENB series.

If not, well like what I said, need the pics to see what makes it like that.

It'll help even more if you have the pic of the other NPC (with Eola or not) on your friend's PC.

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