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Everything posted by GilgameshNoborosuke

  1. Hi, I've been working on a small mod that adds the number of projectiles for my custom made bow. I'm trying to make the bow shot 3 arrows in a single shot, you know... Like Legolas and other Elven Archers, they tend to shot more than 1 arrow. The porblem is: 1.The 2nd, and the 3rd Arrow fly on the lowest power, like tapping the L-Button. 2.When I gave it to my travelling companion (Aela), she use the bow perfectly. All 3 arrows launched perfectly from the bow with maximum power. 3.Is there a possibility that the arrows collide on each other? Note: I've tried it on Crossbow, and get a different result, the bolt was released in 1 line, not spreading like the bow when Aela used it, but it did releases 8 bolts. Here is the ESP as well. To get the weapons, type: Help Legolas 4 /Help Shotgun 4 NEED THE DAWNGURD ESP TO WORK!
  2. I don't know what to say about the new search thingy... But, I've seen that you gave us the Tag bar on the right side... Say if I check Armor Male and Clothing Male, did the search will look only for the file with both the tags, or the one with only one of them also included as well? If not, could you make them search not only files with both tags, but the individuals as well? My suggestion perhaps you could add an Armor and clothing tag. About the Female or Male part, you could differs it into two tags or not at all. The decision is in your hands... Sorry for the over demanding comment, thank you for your time.
  3. I'll try to make do with everything you've given me. Thanks a bunch, won't forget the help you've given me so far. :thumbsup:
  4. Okay, the script didn't work and somehow it work randomly and very rare like 0.1% of the whole tests. :wacko: The Scripts was meant for my never ending battlefield (For personal use only, until somebody requested it.) I've used many scripts from many mods that spawn NPCs & Creatures like the WARZONES - now with ADJUSTABLE SPAWNS by MyGoodEye, and many others. I've tried to let the game cleans up the bodies it self and pretty much good, bit too long though... :tongue: Currently my PC broke down :wallbash: and I'm using my Sister's laptop to test any possible script to clean the dead bodies after an hour or two. So, expect me to reply a little bit late because I don't have all the time with the Laptop :tongue: .
  5. Thanks, I'll try it. :thumbsup: Aside my script is there any easier or simpler script to clean dead bodies? I'm trying not to use any NVSE, if there are any. Please let me know. :biggrin:
  6. Here's the script I used: scn WZonesNPCScript ref MySelf Begin GameMode if (MySelf.GetDead == 0) return elseif (MySelf.GetTimeDead == 1) disable markfordelete showmessage WZCleaningMessage endif End
  7. Is there any good example of the "GetTimeDead" that I could get? Didn't quiet get with this Geck GetTimeDead. Thanks for the early supports.
  8. Damn, didn't see that. :wallbash: the slightest little mistake could destroy even the strongest walls. Thanks didn't see that tiny hole.
  9. Like the title say, here's the script I'm using. scn WZInvanpahNCRSpawnScript int bInitInvanpah int bSpawnInvanpah float TimerInvanpah ref rInvanpahNCR01 ref rInvanpahNCR02 ref rInvanpahNCR03 ref rInvanpahNCR04 ref rInvanpahNCR05 ref rInvanpahNCR06 ref rInvanpahNCR07 ref rInvanpahNCR08 ref rInvanpahNCR09 ref rInvanpahNCR10 ref rInvanpahNCR11 ref rInvanpahNCR12 Begin OnLoad if (bInitInvanpah == 0) set bInitInvanpah to 1 showmessage NCRInvanpahLakeWZMessage endif End Begin GameMode if (bInitInvanpah == 1) set rInvanpahNCR01 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn001.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 set rInvanpahNCR07 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn001.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 set rInvanpahNCR02 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn002.PlaceAtMe WZNCRPowerArmor 1 set rInvanpahNCR08 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn002.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 set rInvanpahNCR03 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn003.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 set rInvanpahNCR09 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn003.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 set rInvanpahNCR04 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn004.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 set rInvanpahNCR10 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn004.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 set rInvanpahNCR05 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn005.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 set rInvanpahNCR06 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn006.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 else if (rInvanpahNCR01.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR01 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn001.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR02.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR02 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn002.PlaceAtMe WZNCRPowerArmor 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR03.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR03 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn003.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR04.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR04 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn004.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR05.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR05 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn005.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR06.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR06 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn006.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR07.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR07 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn001.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR08.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR08 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn002.PlaceAtMe WZNCRMarine 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR09.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR09 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn003.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 endif else if (rInvanpahNCR10.GetDead) set rInvanpahNCR10 to InvanpahDryLakeNCRSpawn004.PlaceAtMe WZNCRTrooper 1 endif endif End Can anyone help me? The trigger keep spawning my custom NCR and crashed the game in say around 15 seconds.
  10. Is it me or everyone else need to change into 1st Person to able shoot upward and downward? On the 3rd Person I shoot the minigun right straight ahead, even when I aimed up or down.
  11. I've tried many condition and other, but I guess I'll use the original companion wheel topics from the VNPCFollowerQuest. Thank you for the help. :D
  12. Thank you for helping, I'll use the original. Just curious, can I use the Original only for the companion wheel? If so, how do I hide the original topic when I talk to my custom companion?
  13. In other words, I can't use anything other than the FollowersTrade, and "MyFollowersTrade" is useless in companion wheel. So to make it simple, other than the original topics for the Companion Wheel, such as the FollowersWait, FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault, FollowersTacticsCombatMelee,and the rest of other commands in the Companion Wheel can't use a custom topics.
  14. I'm currently making a custom companion, my problem is that I'm using a custom topic. Example : I used a new FollowersTrade topic named "MyFollowersTrade" topic. The question is: 1. Can I add my newly created FollowersTrade topic to the current Companion wheel? 2. If I can add it, how can I Replace the original and only for that companion only? I've tried everything on my knowledge and failed. If there is no other way than using NVSE, than please just point to the mod or tutorial.
  15. Is this the kind you've been looking for? Or something else? If it's something else, can you at least told me what kind of face change results you meant?
  16. First of all, I'm asking for an easy way to do it. 1. Is there a way to quickly add a new race to ARMA, than adding them one by one? 2. I''ve created a new race, but I forgot that I had a custom armor from another mod. Which should I do best, copying the entire custom races or copying the entire custom armors? 3. Related to the second question, Is there any faster way to add the custom race without merging the 2 mods? Thanks for the time.
  17. Can you at least gave a picture of the 2 characters? I'll try my best to help you. 1. Have you tried to duplicate this other npc? 2. Have you tried the "Use Trait button"? If you already tried both of my suggestions, and still having the trouble issue. Ask your friend if heshe use some kind of a mod to say, like amplify his/her graphics like the ENB series. If not, well like what I said, need the pics to see what makes it like that. It'll help even more if you have the pic of the other NPC (with Eola or not) on your friend's PC.
  18. I've searched the Skyrim Mod Talk and found these topics: Force Married Voiceset by Default on Custom NPC? Make your own wife...wives Has anyone tried this yet? My question is maybe can be said the same, hopefully someone already found a way to answer it. 1. Is it possible that the Married Voiceset is acquired through the RelationshipMarriageFIN quest? 2. Is it possible that the Married Voiceset is acquired through the MarriageSpouseRiftenSandboxPlayerHouse Package? This mod I'm working only for my personal use only, but if it's completed and someone asked for a similar Mod.I'll try my best to make it.
  19. Hi, I have a question about the Ritual Stone power. 1. I've used it on a pile of bodies and only 1 or not at all is reanimated (They all stands up but only search). 2. After trying so many times, I've decided to duplicate the spell and the result is none of them is reanimated. 3. My custom Dead Thrall also resulted the same (It stands up but only search) I hope someone can hep me, and yes I've searched the entire forum but no result. I've read in one of the topic it could be a mod's work, but the problem is... Mine's a clean install with Dawnguard, patch 1.7 and ENB Version When I mean not reanimated, they just float like normal reanimation spell but with the interaction of search, just like a normal dead NPC. (1st Pic is the Ritual Stone, 2nd is my Custom Spell I've created with CK)
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