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fast travel random encounters


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Apologies if this has been proposed before but I couldn't find any mention


I know that there is a mod that adds some text random encounters when you fast travel but I had something more in mind of the random encounters in fallout tactics that depending on your outdoorsman skill level (we could make it a combination of perception and luck in fallout 4) you would have a chance of triggering an encounter, usually with hostiles.


So for example you fast travel from sanctuary to diamond city and trigger a random encounter with raiders near Lexington (or somewhere in between).


Further the chances of the random encounter are different between discovered locations and undiscovered locations. So let's say you discovered diamond city before so you would have a much lower chance of a random encounter than say going to an undiscovered location in the glowing sea and longer trips would similarly have more of a chance of a random encounters than short distance trips.


You could also increase the chances from the easy level game to the survival mode game.


I think this could be a way to make the base game more interesting and make it possible to have fast travel in survival mode.

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