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Any way to prevent NPC from dying in vampire attacks?


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I'm currently playing Dawnguard, and its getting very annoying to come to a town a night, especially Riften as there is one high level vampire walking around town that starts going aggressive on every NPC because of my presence. Its getting annoying in that characters that aren't essential are dying, I've already received 5 inheritance. Is there anyone to solve this problem? Will they stop appearing in the towns at night if I beat Dawnguard?
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I have an obsession with keeping the game populated as well. Probably because an empty game just doesn't seem real anymore. I solved my problem before Dawnguard even came out with a mod called "NPC's respawn" which simply sets most unimportant NPC's to respawn, Might seem unrealistic that a dead person would simply come back, but it's just a game and it's better than an unpopulated wasteland. It also relieved a lot of unnecessary stress since I no longer have to care about them. Stupid AI gets NPC's killed all the time in very unrealistic scenarios so there's no point in trying to keep it real.
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There is a mod that prevents vampire attacks on towns without changing attacks in the wild. I haven't tried this yet myself since I just finished Dawnguard on the vampire side and am about to begin the Dawnguard side. Here's a link. I suggest you read the comments also just to check for any possible issues.



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Find a list of the base id's of the most vital NPC's such as merchants, trainers, carriage drivers and stable owners, open up a new document in notepad, and type in the list of ID's with the set essential flag added;-


setessential 0001413E 1


As an example. Save it as something that you'll remember, I call mine MerchEss. It must be saved in your Skyrim directory as opposed to your Skyrim Data directory.

Run the game and open the console with the tilde key and type


bat nameofyourfile


Now since apparently there are some quests where some of the Merchants need to be non essential, it is also as well to have a similar document but with the flag set to 0 instead of 1, so you can run that when you have to.

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A mod that I'd like to see is one that gives any "dead" NPC a 75% chance (or so) to be moved to a temple for healing. They'd stay there for a week or two, then go back to their routine. It would be a slightly more realistic way of managing Skyrim's population than the current methods.


EDIT: I guess there would have to be some exceptions... the last thing you want is to have your DB targets survive their assassinations!



"Whoops, sorry mommy. How was I supposed to know the Emperor could survive with his head cut off?"


Edited by JanusForbeare
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I have an obsession with keeping the game populated as well. Probably because an empty game just doesn't seem real anymore. I solved my problem before Dawnguard even came out with a mod called "NPC's respawn" which simply sets most unimportant NPC's to respawn, Might seem unrealistic that a dead person would simply come back, but it's just a game and it's better than an unpopulated wasteland. It also relieved a lot of unnecessary stress since I no longer have to care about them. Stupid AI gets NPC's killed all the time in very unrealistic scenarios so there's no point in trying to keep it real.

Which mod do you use exactly? Can you give a link or a specific title, because I was able to find a mod similar to your description called "NPC all respawn" on the nexus, but I'm not sure if that is the one you use. I'm also worried about compatibility to Dawnguard, so if your mod does work with dawnguard that would be great.


To Staind716:


Yah I downloaded the mod you are referring to and will try it out, I just want my NPCs back, as the friggin vampires killed many of the shopowners in Riften. Why Bethesda doesn't add a feature to their non fight NPCs to flee from vampire attacks, I will assume laziness.

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