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Open map by activating an object.

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I'm working on a small immersion mod that adds the civil war map to every inn. My current playthrough is no map no compass but instead using road signs and Clairvoyance to navigate . The only time I can use the map is while standing in front of one of those maps. This is when I set a custom marker or active quest. If possible I'd like to be able to use an activator placed on the map to open the map if that is even possible.

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I'm also interested in being able to open the World Map (M key) through script OnActivate.


The script above compiles (skse scripts are working elsewhere in my mod) but unfortunately nothing happens in game on activation. The sound of the map opening, that i have added to the trigger box, plays and custom name and activate text overide are showing but the map does not open.


Any suggestions?




Edit: I've found that this works:


int MapKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Quick Map")

Edited by TyburnKetch
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So now i have a different issue:


I am looking to override the "can't travel from here" Cell property.


I don't want to be able to fast travel from the cell until i activate the map. How can i override this property with Papyrus?


Game.EnableFastTravel() is having no effect.



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