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[WIP] Hungering werewolves


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I want to say something positive after the negativity, but I don't have anything important to add.


I like having a disease. Drinking blood makes me think that a vampire who fed on a werewolf would turn into a werewolf. :P


A question about your proposed senses. Are they going to have permanent nighteye (I approve) and permanent detect life/dead (I am leery). While useful and realistic, I think that always having that on would be distracting. Toggle-able ability in both human and wolfie forms would be useful though.

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I have a passive night eye which is permanent, but it works like this: when there is a lot of light it turns off night eye effect, but when there is dark it turns on the night eye effect. The darker it is the stronegr the effect. The change is gradual not a binary. In fact the ability is fully customizable (speed of change, color, strength of the effect) so the above change may be so subtle that you will have a great difficulty to notice it. In other words its not distracting at all and its muted. Of course you can trn it off and use modified toggable night eye instead.


As for the detect life, well for me its not a smell. It will suit some kind of heat sense I will develop in the future for reptilians. In case of the smell I have developed something far more sophisticated, depending on the strength and direction of wind. In other words in exteriors when the wind blows from north you can only detect actors north of you. You can detect actor no matter in what direction you are currently looking. It doesnt show you the actor but rather the direction (via visual effect) and gives you informations about the actor such as race, sex, whether its alive or dead (detects death after 6 hours) as well as whether its a vampire or a werewolf (in human form). It also gives you the name of unique actor if you have already memorize is scent. And it gives you the intensity of the scent (intensity = ((1 - (distance/max distance)) * 100%). there are 2 lesser powers. Smell allows you to scan for all actors and pick the one that you are interested in. Passive smell gives info about random actor you can currently detect. You can also detects fire (Frostfall compatibility) and drinakble water (IMPS More Complex Needs compatibility). I do not consider the smell to be completed because I will try to implement trails.


I have also given the werewolf an adrenaline surge lesser power that makes you faster, stronger and increases your jump height at the expense of stamina (2 versions: slow-motion and turbo).


And I have developed a 6th sense that warns you about incoming danger. In practice when you are about to be hit in melee or by arrow or spell the power triggers adrenaline surge. In case of slow-motion version of the adrenaline surge you have a prety good chance to dodge the attack.


Im writing all this because I want to share with you my ideas and perhaps gain something in return. So if you have any additional ideas concerning werewolves or beast in general Im all ears :)

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I want to say something positive after the negativity, but I don't have anything important to add.


I like having a disease. Drinking blood makes me think that a vampire who fed on a werewolf would turn into a werewolf. :P


A question about your proposed senses. Are they going to have permanent nighteye (I approve) and permanent detect life/dead (I am leery). While useful and realistic, I think that always having that on would be distracting. Toggle-able ability in both human and wolfie forms would be useful though.


That's not too bad an idea! Vampires are immune to disease, but werewolf blood should have immediate effect, like in the Companions quest!

*Yes senses are toggle-able. I don't know how to detect light level, plus everyone uses different dark/light simulating mods anyway*



Rest... meh gulogulo already has a mod for wolf pack, so if you want that, use his. Problem solved! :P

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