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weird blocky shadows only on my characters face


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as you can see by the image below my character has these ugly blocky shadows its bothering me to no end you can see it's not my skyrim prefs ini settings as Acalypha looks perfectly fine I am really stumped on what it could be? if anyone knows anything or have had similar issues please let me know asap Edited by fatalis71
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You mean her cheeks?

Thats because her face, sry but thats true :x...


you can change NormalMaps if you want to keep face and remove shadow


her cheeks looks like they look cause... idk what you did but bottom cheecks are in middle part of face instead of bottom




what exacly you mean by "ugly blocky shadow"?

can you point area with red circle? also maybe use fov 15 to zoom...

~ ( console ) type: fov 15 ( zoom - kind of xD )

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