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How do I get background music to change?


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I am trying to get music tracks to change immediately after entering a new world space or a cell. All my music tracks are added to the ck and work like a charm in game. But the music tracks don't change when I want them to. The previous track continues to play until it is done. Then a new track starts playing. I would like previous track to stop playing, and a new one start immediately after entering the new cell. How do I go about doing this?


Please help if you can, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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I honestly have not touched this part of the CK much. Here are the resources I found which might help you:


http://www.creationkit.com/OnLocationChange_-_Actor (probably as a part of a script attached to the player)




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Sound files included in Super Skyrim Bros. come from this website: http://www.mariomayhem.com/ I have contacted the webmaster of the site, and he has informed me the sound files are

FREE to download and use, as long as I don't make profit from them.


Also, another note about the sound files. I have contacted Nexus Administration, and they have informed me that as long as the sound files are used for parody/fan use, it will be allowed on Nexus Sites.


-Quotes from Administration-


Vampire Dante - "I think as long as you list it as parody use, it should be fine. I don't see anyone getting that bent over the sounds (Nintendo probably sourced them from somewhere themselves those years back)."


Vampire Dante - "listing it as parody/fan use would be ok - if it wasn't the countless fan vids, mock ups and such all over the internet would have all been pulled by now."



I have contacted Nintendo through Twitter making them fully aware of this mods development.I sent them a link to a demo video showing a basic overview. At this time,I have not received a response from Nintendo. So basically they don't care.

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