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Drunken Boxing/Fencing/dangerouslyclumsymage style combat?


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Hey everybody, I was wondering since there's a lot of drunken effect mods out there, wouldn't it be cool if the drunken state of your character could effect how they fight animation wise? lol That could lead to even a build just for it! Take some liquid courage and let the blood fly! lol I don't know how well it can be done if at all, but if so, that'd be so awesome! *__* At least for the barehanded style. Magic use could possibly be one of the most random, fun things to watch with this too. "I'm gonna *hic* freeze you good!" *kaboooooom* ".......um....*hic*....that works too..." So anyway, what do you all think? Could it work? If not the attacks, at least maybe the executions? Have a funny kill animation or somethin? Again, I know not the challenge of accomplishing this, but wow, the results if it can be done....

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