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Ammo Tweaks - Just weapon Condition?


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Good timing, I just saw this in the recent threads list.


It's not possible (well, maybe not impossible, just not realistic) in the current version since there are a lot of edits to the base game's records that are linked together in a spaghetti-like structure. Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds... The next version is going to include a configuration template system that can be used to enable parts of the framework separately without digging through a bunch of script properties and form edits.


*Edit: If you're still willing to give it a try, Use FO4Edit to remove all edits to ammo-related leveled lists. Look for the mod collections containing the alternate ammo types and remove any you want to disable. It's not quite what you're asking for, but may point you in the right direction.

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Good timing, I just saw this in the recent threads list.


It's not possible (well, maybe not impossible, just not realistic) in the current version since there are a lot of edits to the base game's records that are linked together in a spaghetti-like structure. Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds... The next version is going to include a configuration template system that can be used to enable parts of the framework separately without digging through a bunch of script properties and form edits.


*Edit: If you're still willing to give it a try, Use FO4Edit to remove all edits to ammo-related leveled lists. Look for the mod collections containing the alternate ammo types and remove any you want to disable. It's not quite what you're asking for, but may point you in the right direction.


See? Who says modding can't be kick-ass educational? But I digress. By the time I got around to doing what you just said myself, the new version will be out. OTL

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