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Great Hunting Areas


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I like the hunting around Valtheim Keep. The upper platform is a perfect perch, and the area is full of game.


Another one is the area around Rorikstead. The Reach is a really fun place to hunt, though the act of retrieving what you've killed is the harder objective.


Finally, the area near Cracked Tusk Keep. Rough ground, lots of places to hide. Easy retrieval, plenty of targets, and very few bears. Of course I do it with a dagger, and not a bow, but that's just personal preference.

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Pssh, daggers, bows? You're not really hunting until you do it with a Firebolt. Plus your venison is already cooked for you when you get it ;)


Call me old fashioned, but I just like the area around Whiterun. You can see just about forever, and it's not hard to find what you just killed (especially if it's still on fire).

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I do hunt and particulary enjoy stealth hunting (using a bow of course). My preferred location (Aftrer I gain enough experience) is in the Rift. I prefer to bounce between Ivarstead and Riften. There's a lot of game in that area with two towns to base from. You get the whole gambit of creatures to stalk to include several dragons, patrols of all nature and wonderful "random" encounter points along the way.


Good Hunting!!! :)

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