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The depths of Tamriel


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If you click on the link in my signature you will see a mod that I built. It's a huge underground cavern. Basically it's an underground town but compared to Cyrodiil , it's just a small town, a little place. I can imagine a place as big as all of Tamriel but underground. A place filled with caves, secret tunnels, water filled tunnels, Lava pools and lakes of lava. A place of darkness with new creatures and enemy's. All new quests, all new homes, buried ruins and new weapons.


I can't seem to get the hang of scripting and my quest writing is going extremely slow but I have lots of time for modding and I was wondering if anyone would be interested on working together on a mod that would add a Cyrodiil underground. A whole new game that would take place underground, entirely independent of the Oblivion experience.




If anyone is interested in modding this world please contact me either through PM's or e-mail. I will begin modding soon and am looking for a forum to host a new mod site that anyone can view but only members can add to the project. I will be posting ideas and screenshots later. This mod will be based on Pellucidar, a hollow Earth world created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Here is a link to more information.




no matter what your skill with the construction set, we can use your help

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I did a search of project underneath and found THIS there is one picture of a map of the city but the mod seems to me to be on hold. Not a lot of posts or information on the site. Maybe if I joined the thread I would get access to more info but I'd hate to join and then find out I'm not interested in what they are doing or that the project has been abandoned. Does anyone know anything about this project?
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Exactly! and why does it have to be a private forum anyway? Why not have an open thread where everyone could add to the project, even if it's to say "It would be cool if you...." If anyone wanted to help they could just check the post to see what is being done and start working on a section. Imagine if anyone here at tesnexus could choose what sounds interesting and start on that.


I personally would love to be involved with a project this size.

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I don't know from experience regarding Undernethe, but since the last public posts on that forum are from over a year ago, and the "Affiliate" subforums lead to two other large scale mods whose forums state that those projects are dead (Ocean Mod and Senaria), I wouldn't hold my breath for the other one either.


I'd certainly welcome a more open approach. I saw some of those threads that bemoan all the models and textures that people made for the dead projects never being released at all.

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I sent a PM to VagrantO, I trust his answers, asking if it is possible to make a certain kind of mod. Her is what I've been thinking.


When the player is killed either in Tamriel or Oblivion they are transported to this new underground world. They would have a life there separate from their Cyrodiil life. They would complete quests and buy houses but at some point they would be transported back to their last save before they were killed.


I don't know if that is even possible but I think it would be interesting. I'll be glad to hear what VagrantO has to say.


This is just an idea and nothing is set in stone but I would love it if loads of people added to the story, the history, the quests and the world. A game world created entirely by the players.

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If anyone is interested in modding this world please contact me either through PM's or e-mail. I will begin modding soon and am looking for a forum to host a new mod site that anyone can view but only members can add to the project. I will be posting ideas and screenshots later. This mod will be based on Pellucidar, a hollow Earth world created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Here is a link to more information.




no matter what your skill with the construction set, we can use your help

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