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The depths of Tamriel


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Wow! Thanks for the link. I know I'm setting myself up for a lot of useless ideas but I would like to keep the forum and the project open. No secrets, I want everyone to know exactly what is being done and how the project is progressing. The more members I can get interested, the more people to help with the major decisions and policing the forum.


I may have a basic Idea but I want this to be a community project.

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Getting people interested is a problem, especialy when you've got close to nothing in hand. Twice as hard getting people good at modding and to the power of two as hard finding good moddelers.


I mean.. Look at my siggie, it's been sitting there for almost 5 months now. So far only 2 people pm'd me - neither knew anything 'bout modeling, they just wanted me to create some models for them under the promise that they'll learn.




Atleast that's what I think they wanted - they most definately didn't realy want to learn anything considering they never replied once I showed them off to some blender tuttorials :D.

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I think your problem may be that the banner in your signature needs to be linked to the mod site. I always check links to see if I'm interested in joining but I rarely ever PM anyone. I think people here are annoyed by PMs as they tend to be a little rude with their replies.
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Well, we (meaning mostly me) kind of decided not to make the forum public untill we have at the very least the exterrior in an atleast half-satisfactory state. That's also when we'll release the first video footage and all that crap for promotion. I'm hoping to create a shockwave big enough to lure a few high profile modders into joining.
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That sounds great and I wish you luck with it. Since I have already finished the basic modding of Vella den Keep and it is underground I could use it as the start of this new mod. Each section could be built in an octagon or pentagon with doors on the flat surfaces and the center would be the lowest point. By doing it that way each section could be made by different modders and then linked to the main mod.
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Pellucidar is a good choice to base your mod on, as its copyright has been expiring. In countries where copyright is life of the author plus 50 years, such as Canada, the US, and Australia, it has become public domain and can be freely used. Other countries have life plus 70 years, and it's still under copyright in those countries.
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I checked out the copyright before posting that name. I don't plan to go exactly along with the books but I do keep that world in mind when thinking about this mod. I think some of the language of pellucidar will add to the mod as will cities and certain areas. I've started a thread and it can be found by clicking on the new banner in my signature. I'll post screenshots within a few days and everyone will be able to get an idea of the feel of the mod.
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