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Giant Necromancy Mod


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I don't know how other people feel about the neromancy in Skyrim. While I enjoyed bringing people back from the dead and useing them as my minions I found it quite a bit lacking. Necromancy shouldn't just be shooting a little ball of light and a wolf rising from the dead. I think necromancy should include rituals to bring back bodies not just for a minute or two, but until it falls in combat against the enemy. Maybe even a store dedicated to the dark arts. I sadly don't have the skill to make it myself so I decided to put my idea on here to see if anyone has the ability to make it. Below I have an some ideas for the mod I would like to see in it (if anybody tries to make it that is). I have an idea of how hard it would be to do all of this, after all these are just all ideas.


A Secret Necromancer Shop

An Alter to Preform Rituals

More Necromancy Related Spells

A Necromancy Based Guild (Sort of like an evil Mages Guild)

The Ability to make undead minions at the Alter

Possibly an underground crypt to act as a player home

An item to pick-up dead bodies and add them to your inventory

The ability to harvest organs and bones from dead bodies

*Books to teach you how to preform certain rituals at the alter


If anyone has more ideas for this please let them be heard.

If I have any new ideas come to me I will put a * by it.

Edited by ElecB0ogalo0
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Yes I actually have looked up necromancy mods in the search. There are many great ones out there but im looking for a mod that has it all in one package. Also I don't know if you were trying to sound rude but that is how it came across.

What is wrong with using different mods?

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