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How do you add price tags to castles or strongholds?


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Hello everyone. So I'm considering getting a castle as kind of a late game item that I have to build up too for my character to buy. Thing is, the castle mods themselves are normally free which I really feel like it shouldn't be. You shouldn't just automatically be given a free castle the moment you start the game so I'm wondering: how exactly can you go about adding a price tag to a particular castle mod? Considering everything some of the greatest castle mods do I'm thinking 500,000 for it. Something for my assassin to 'murder' his way up towards before retiring from his dragonborn career.

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there *is one I read about when I was first looking around nexus that requires the player to "inherit" it (by visiting, I guess) , but it's run down and player has to fix it up (like building a hearthfire home sorta, as far as I remember) I haven't downloaded it as of yet so I'm not sure on the details, and to be honest, I don't recall the name, but it is/was here a month or so ago on nexus under



hope it helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may be wrong, as I haven't actually done this in-game yet, but you're not actually selling the house... you're just selling the key to the house. At its most basic level, all you really need to do is lock the place with a key, then make the vendor sell the key for whatever price you pick (i.e. - 25000g).


However, if you want a more well-rounded "purchasing experience", you probably have to use scripts and do something like the following:

  • All cells in the custom house should belong to a faction you create ('CustomOwnerFaction' or whatever).
  • Set up the vendor who sells the house by giving him a deed to sell, which is really just a note to look at in-game.
  • Upon purchasing the deed, a script is kicked off that places the house key in the player's inventory AND adds the player to the new owner faction you created
  • For added quality, you can create a small quest that the player receives upon discovering the map marker - a quest that directs the player to check with the vendor
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