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Mannequin display MOD


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First, I know there are plenty of house mods that have tons of mannequins and there are even a few armory mods out there that have something very simular on what I'm about to ask for. Simply put most of us already have gotten attached to one house or another and don't really care to install more. The Wardrobe mod (which has the basic Idea of what I'm looking for) I've read in the comments there are a ton of problems with so.....


Can someone please make a very basic mod that put up a nice looking room with say a dozen mannequins in one cell, then branch of again and put another dozen in anaother cell (and so on and so on)...basically a copy and paste job after the first room is done. This way when the high poly count modded armors get put on all the mannequins in one cell it doesn't stutter, freeze or crash the game, and too many in one cell (or to small of a room) can certainly do that, especially when your use mods like MLLY.


I'd love to be able to display every variation of all the vanilla armors + the unique ones and then the tons of modded armors I have installed.all in one place. Possible having special displays of certain armors like Ebony or Dwarven for example with the exact amount of weapon plaques or racks to display the various weapons belonging to that armor group.


I know there are a lot of others like me that are probably just waiting for the same thing.so if anyones willing to take it on I'd REALLY appreciate it.

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