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lighting issues


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hi, wonder if anyone can help me.


when im in 1st person mode im having trouble when there are artificial light sources around like torches and fires that my screen flickers a bright yellow very rapidly and you cant see a thing when this is going on. its perfectly fine outdoors and when there isnt a artifical light source around.

i dont even have to look at the light source just being near it causes the flickering.


i've tried deleting every mod and re-downloading mods that dont effect lighting and even doing a completly new install of skyrim but the problem persists, any help would be wonderfull



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From version 1.6x update Bethesda introduced a few new funities. That being one of them. Not everyone experiences it, But i do know what you speak of first hand. For me, Here is how I was able to rid the problem ( At the time I was runing a Radeon 5770 video card <---- drivers can cause this flashing problem as can a poorly set-up video solution)


Launch Skyrim

Click the options menu from the game loader screen (under PLAY)

Turn off Antialiasing (off best performance)

Test your game


If you still have the problem, then also start adjusting the Anisotropic filtering 1 step at a time gowing towards OFF - best performance

you may just set them both to OFF and work up on the anisotropic filter effects.


Anisotropic filter : enhances rendered objects on sloped surfaces (from viewers perspective) while eliminating jagged surfaces (aliasing)

Antialiasing : smoothing effects (blending) jagged edges on curved surfaces and diagnals


I hope this helps out your problem :)

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