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Error while loading saved game


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First i am french so if that messages does not make sense at a first look, read it again plz

So my problem is that sometime when i try to load saved games, morrowind makes error messages and crash. As it made me one time, now i always quick save then sleep/wait 1 hour to be sure to have a good save but ... my 2 saved games doesen't works now ... do i have to say good bye to my Orc lvl42, master of most of guilds ?


there is the message, found in warnings.txt


LoadReference abnormally terminated.

Reference 'kagouti_diseased00000089' in Load for cell 'Région des Terres-Cendres'.

LoadReference abnormally terminated.

Reference 'ex_wild_all_lev-1' in Load for cell 'Région des Terres-Cendres'.

Trying to load a bad form in TES3File::NextForm.

File = sauvegarde automatique.ess

Offset = 2098790


And there is the programflow.txt


000000: Program Started

000000: Computer Name: Administrateur

000000: Creating Windows

000000: Begin loading of archive header and invalidation of archived files

000001: Finished with header loading and invalidation

000001: Initializing Main

000001: Video adapter: RADEON 8500 / RADEON 8500LE (

001020: Creating Scene

001021: Loading Master/Plugin

002652: Done Loading Master/Plugin

002652: Done Creating Scene

003060: Done Initalizing Main

003366: Loading...Loading Objects from file...

003978: Loading...Initializing Loaded Objects...


I haven't found any solution for the moment, even searching in forum (or maybe i haven't understood english topics )

Please help me !

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