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Seperate tiles


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The room in this screenshot should open up to an underground ocean. I can mod it but I really need someone who can seperate the ceiling from the floor. Without this help this mod will suffer.




This is just one room or chamber of the Pellucidar Project. Trees, grass, rocks, roots,animals, towns, farms and entire cities will be added later.


More info and screenshots can be found by clicking the banner in my sig.

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Thanks for replying Jaysus. Here are the parts I'll need separated.


1 Floor CChasmFloor01A


1 Wall CChasmWall01A (Two wall sections would help to make the cave look better but one will do)


2 Corners CChasmCornerOutside01A CChasmCornerInside01A


I believe I could manage with only four pieces. The corners may be a problem because they have the wall attached. If the corners can't be separated I could find some kind of alternative.

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lol its more complicated than i thought lol... each tile consists of about 5 totally interwoven objects... cant easily split em in nifskope... using max or blender requires redoing the collision aswell...

patience :P


does anyone know if splitting em this crazy was doen on purpose to achieve somin? not that i break the game lol

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mmh well... ya but usually you do a tex according to a model not the other way around lol... but its like one part of the ceiling is the ceiling and a lil corner part of the floor lol...


mh just had a good idea... why not just scale the tiles to be bigger?


i also see a problem arising... you wanted to connect that tunnel scene to a bigger and higher room... how do you wanna add a transition to that?

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