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How to remove Dawnguard Aggro after early Better Vampire mod use


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I aquired Dawnguard expac at the same time as i started using Better Vampires mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717


One of the options in the mod after you make yourself a vampire is to have random dawnguards attack you in the field. I would kill them and move on without thinking about it. I didnt know that the DG content wasnt available until level 10, or that you had to have clean aggro with the faction to do either the Vamp or DG quest lines. Now, even after curing myself of vampirism, all Dawnguard faction members attack me on sight and i cannot begin any of the content.


I'd hate to start (yet another) new character. i know 1-10 isnt that much, but its just a pain in the ass to do all the DB and TG campaign again. Is there a console code or some other to clear faction, specifically Dawnguard aggro?


just to repeat (because everytime i ask this somewhere, people just tell me to cure my vampirism...that i already have done...) i already have, and am suffering normal faction aggro due to killing their random members, just like if you kill a stormcloak in the field, they all aggro you. i cant find ANY info on how to do this, but then i cant even find anyone else asking, so im hoping its not impossible.


thanks for any input you can give.

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I aquired Dawnguard expac at the same time as i started using Better Vampires mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717


One of the options in the mod after you make yourself a vampire is to have random dawnguards attack you in the field. I would kill them and move on without thinking about it. I didnt know that the DG content wasnt available until level 10, or that you had to have clean aggro with the faction to do either the Vamp or DG quest lines. Now, even after curing myself of vampirism, all Dawnguard faction members attack me on sight and i cannot begin any of the content.


I'd hate to start (yet another) new character. i know 1-10 isnt that much, but its just a pain in the ass to do all the DB and TG campaign again. Is there a console code or some other to clear faction, specifically Dawnguard aggro?


just to repeat (because everytime i ask this somewhere, people just tell me to cure my vampirism...that i already have done...) i already have, and am suffering normal faction aggro due to killing their random members, just like if you kill a stormcloak in the field, they all aggro you. i cant find ANY info on how to do this, but then i cant even find anyone else asking, so im hoping its not impossible.


thanks for any input you can give.



bump and im sort of making some headway. i figure i must need to enter player.addfac (dawnguard code) into console, but the trouble is i cant the code anywhere. does anyone know what this code is? its not on any of the skyrim wiki's and online searches just come up with codes for other factions. this driving me crazy.

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just wanted to say anyone who cared (not many, since no one posted) that i fixed my issue by waiting ingame for 24 hours. I had never used this solution to an aggro problem, but i assume it would work for a number of simular issues. i hope this pathetic thread comes in handy to someone in the future, since no ammount of searching on this site or any other yielded the slightest help.



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