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BASH Patch Interface Question


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I was trying to create a Bash Patch, and it popped up with a dialogue that said I should deactivate some mods before creating the patch. It has a short checklist of a few of the mods, all of which have a check-mark next to them. Do I want to keep them checked, or uncheck them, or what? From the sparse dialogue there's really no indication of whether I'm deactivating them by unchecking them or checking the ones I agree to deactivate before building the patch.

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Those would be mods which can be entirely merged into the bashed patch, thus leaving the original ESP activated takes up a valuable ESP slot in your load order to no purpose. Wrye Bash will deactivate the original ESP and it will be displayed in your Mod tab with a green box with a cross in it.


Leave the check marks as WB has them and rebuild your bashed patch.

Edited by Striker879
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