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OR Water shader stutter & low fps


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Anyone know a solution to water stutter, when OR water shader is ON i get stuters, when off its ok. Using monkey ENB. Help pls..

I really like the epic rendering of water in OR id like to apply it, but it gives me 15 fps... and stutters.. I discovered when water = 0 in oblivion reloaded its ok, but i lose the graphics...

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Did you enable fps management in OR? How about installing the stutter remover mod? 4GB patch? Engine bug fixes? There are many others that can help too. Do some searching on oblivion fps improvement, and you will find what you need.
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Search the Bevilex mod comments and you'll find some suggestions (use the forum interface to the mod comments and then use the search function).
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Use the search at the top right of the forum view of the mod comments (link to get there is at the top of the regular mod comments).
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