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Jail Time Penalties


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I haven't found anything that does something like this, but there's a mod that already covers it point me towards it. I'd like to a tweak to how serving jail time punishes the player. Instead of lowering skill levels (which monkeys with leveling) maybe serving your sentence could have you leave prison with some sort of affliction. For example a trauma that damages willpower, or poor meals have damaged fatigue, or isolation has damaged personality. All of which could be curable or maybe just have lengthy duration. If no one's up for it, I wouldn't some suggestions on how to approach it.

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Losing levels from jail time used to be how I broke the PC level cap. I always thought there should be a community service option though. But I also like the idea of afflictions. Rotting in a dank cell in some castle dungeon would have it's consequences. I think reverse engineering the 'divine blessing' scripts may be able to accomplish what you want to do.
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Divine Blessing sounds like a good way approach it. Initially I was looking at disease spells, but I wouldn't want psychological afflictions to work like that especially if someone has a mod installed that changes disease behavior.


I personally have always loathed the quirks with the PC level cap system and have been slowly trying to eliminate it. I don't really intend to bring characters up to ludicrous levels especially if it involves using a feature in an un-immersive way.

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AoG lets you tweak it a bit. I think you can disable the skill loss and replace it with a number of diseases and a real time waiting penalty.


Yes, I've seen that one. Looks amusing, but it's got a bit too much going on for my tastes.


I get the impression that the jail skill and attribute losses are hard coded. Would a script to circumvent this be possible?

Edited by BlightRaptor
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