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Recycle/Resurrecting NPC not working


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Anise seems to have died at some point in my game without me knowing. When I try using the console to bring her body to me there's nothing there and when I use the console to move myself to her I end up hundreds of feet in the air above her cabin and fall to my death. Using the prid command I've been able to use both Resurrect and Recycleactor to bring her back but when I do she doesn't have her usual dialogue and instead just has generic dialogue for her voice type. She also will not attack me when I exit her cellar. Is there any sort of fix for this or am I s.o.l.?

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You're probably SOL at this point. Whatever you have done with her is baked into your save, which makes undoing it almost impossible. My experience with resurrect is that it rarely works with NPCs that have any scripting,which is why I only use it when Lydia gets herself killedð


Out of curiosity, why do you want Anise back so badly?

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I'm just pretty OCD about wanting things to work as intended, lol. Didn't like the idea of not being able to encounter and kill her myself. However, I actually got it to work by using recycleactor inside a cell then going out to meet her. She then worked as intended.
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