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Leveled List Mod That Doesn't Make the Game Impossible for L1 Characters


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I dislike the complete lack of low level enemies at high levels and complete lack of high level enemies at low levels, but in my experience most of the list leveling adjusters are basically premised on the idea that you're using a higher level character because leveling a low-level character enough to be remotely effective is either almost impossible or incredibly tedious (i.e. taking ten potions every goddamn combat). I am looking for a leveled list adjustment that does NOT make every two-bit bandit a fifth level warrior, so that there are some dungeons and wilderness encounters that are not either tedium or suicide for a new character. Preferably one that does not require me to restart my game, because I have -1000% interest in ever playing the imperial dungeon again for the rest of time.


The sort of tactics to survive ANY fight as L1 character in "Better Levelled Lists" and OOO are retarded horse-s*** that completely break immersion, because they basically rely on the fact that the AI is too stupid to navigate effectively. I want to be able to have organic melee/bow/magic fights at L1 with appropriately scaled enemies, not to bunny hop around rocks and take a potion every ten seconds. I don't mind if there are monsters that are too powerful around somewhere, but the fact that basically everything except Goblins and Rats can kill you in two hits (but can take ten hits from you) is retarded and not interesting.


Yes, I know I could change the difficulty slider, but I want a mod that works without me having to fiddle with extra-dimensional statistic magic to effect it. Oblivion did scaling poorly from low to high levels; but a lot of these mods are WORSE than vanilla Oblivion and basically only exist to challenge people who play too much Oblivion.


This was NOT a problem in Morrowind, there were plenty of high level enemies and areas you had to avoid but also plenty of low level areas for newer characters to mess around in. The Oblivion mods, instead of taking this approach, seem to just prefer making the game difficult for the sake of people who play the game too much. i have absolutely no interest in becoming an Oblivion Master just to avoid bandits in glass armor or the replacement of all rats with trolls.

Edited by richardcheimison
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MOO makes some tweaks to these sort of things. I don't know exactly what it does but the farther away a dungeon is from a city the harder it is. Low level creatures can always spawn even if you are high level and bandits are prevented from having the best armor when you are high level.


But at the same time I've seen people complaining it's too hard so maybe nothing for you. But you can tweak its difficulty from Easy to Nightmare.

Edited by Grogrokl
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Okay, a bit confusing....


Sounds like you want a mod that makes all enemies level 1 at level 1 and then once you level up you want some enemies to scale up with you but also some to remain at level 1.


The phrasing regarding OOO and Better Leveled List is hardly fair, itâs not their fault that you resort to to those tactics. The way OOO works is that most locations near a city are easy enough for a low level character because those locations are more civilized, the further you go in the wilderness the harder the enemies will be... granted there are exceptions, in which case you scout out the location, see enemies too powerful for you and run off to a better suited location for your level.



Also you never have to do the tutorial ever again:



I'll try to help....



Maybe this will help?



Also maybe check out the bg2408âs scaling overhaul comparison... the links are all broken, and it lacks the newer mods, but the information is still valuable:




Maybe TIE? It just makes everything randomly placed.

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  • 1 month later...

Chalk up another vote for Francesco's + MOBS. The effect is subtle; there is still some scaling, and it feels like you're playing Oblivion, not a big conversion mod. But the parts of Oblivion's leveled lists that are annoying in vanilla... are no longer annoying.


I like MOO a lot too, it's more restrained than OOO. But ultimately, I keep coming back to Frans.

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" Preferably one that does not require me to restart my game, because I have -1000% interest in ever playing the imperial dungeon again for the rest of time."

Cure for that is another mod, which starts you at the sewer exit with a chest that contains all the junk you would have collected going through the starter dungeon;


Also fixes the custom race problem.

"This was NOT a problem in Morrowind, there were plenty of high level enemies and areas you had to avoid but also plenty of low level areas for newer characters to mess around in."

I don't know of a mod like that, but it should be possible (although tedious) to make, the only mod I ever uploaded changed nuisance creatures into vampires, which made the beginning harder rather than easier. Tinkering with the leveled lists is one way to do it, the more tedious way (altho much closer to the Morrowind system) would be to go dungeon by dungeon replacing low with high in some and high with low in others.

I agree with the sentiment, in Morrowind you entered every new dungeon cautiously and prepared to run for your life. :devil: :ermm:

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