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Can anyone tell me what parameters Shank uses for running jobs


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I always get the same choices. Always settlements I either own or vassal settlements of my three established Raider outposts, when I'm looking to expand. When I choose "talk settlement into supplying", I get the same choices, but some are blacked out for no visible reasons. Is there a way to expand or change his list. I mean, for the longest time, he offered me Abernathy as a supplier. One of mine. Now, I thought, fine, I can live without Abernathy, went there and assigned a few robots to farming. Upon getting back to Shank, Abernathy was no longe on the supply list, but made it on his takeover list, which is definetely nothing I want to do. Red Rocket, also one of my own, was on his takeover list, but is now blacked out though nothing changed.

Edited by cossayos
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The story manager and script conditions that feed RaidTargetsAvailable() are horribly complex involving keyword lists, population, vassal state and ownership state.

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you can raid only settlements from your own, you can't raid empty settlements, any settlement need atleast 1 settler, for the so called vassel they need to in range of xx settlements for supply's, in case of custom settlemets if those mis a marker then you can't raid them, even if they have settlers


beth made it so that you need to raid/take over your own settlements

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you can raid only settlements from your own, you can't raid empty settlements, any settlement need atleast 1 settler, for the so called vassel they need to in range of xx settlements for supply's,


That's not true. By experimenting a bit more, I learned that there's a difference between raiding and talking settlements into submission. When I choose the raid option, Shank hands out settlements I haven't even discovered. Such as Croup Manor (ghouls there), Jamaica Plains (again ghouls), The Lighthouse (Childs of Atom) or Coastal Cottage (totally empty - I ony activated the workshop there).


So there has been something entirely different behind the choices you are presented with.

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