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NPC black spots


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I've been playing Fallout for a long time now, but this is the first time I played in on PC with mods. Most of the mods are centered around making the experience more immersive and lore-friendly. But I have some mods that edit NPCs.

Recently almost all of the non-important NPCs have been getting black spots on their faces. For some reason it's only male NPCs that are affected.


Has anyone else had this issue? If yes, how did you resolve it?

Edited by KingBaerald
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Visual glitches on skin should be related to texture files, so i recommend you:

○ Re-installing body/face texture mods for men.


○ Re-installing mods that affects NPCs, like UniqueNpcs, for example.

There is a chance that your files got corrupted when downloading, or by your Mod Manager, either by downloading or installing. So sometimes it is worthy to download it all again just to be sure.

Once i had a glitch like this, but instead of black, it was a lot of small colored squares, that would appear the closer i got to NPCs, but i was in the process of upscaling the files to 2K and just had to re-do the process, so it was an issue on my own end.

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Visual glitches on skin should be related to texture files, so i recommend you:


○ Re-installing body/face texture mods for men.


○ Re-installing mods that affects NPCs, like UniqueNpcs, for example.


There is a chance that your files got corrupted when downloading, or by your Mod Manager, either by downloading or installing. So sometimes it is worthy to download it all again just to be sure.


Once i had a glitch like this, but instead of black, it was a lot of small colored squares, that would appear the closer i got to NPCs, but i was in the process of upscaling the files to 2K and just had to re-do the process, so it was an issue on my own end.

This did the trick for me. I reinstalled every mod I could find that had to do with character and NPC textures. I also realized that I had to different NPC Overhaul mods installed xD that could also have been the problem.


Thanks so much!

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