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About Di3sIrae

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    The Longest Journey/Dreamfall, maybe?

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  1. Humm never heard of this before. I believe you already searched for it. People say that this can suddenly limit building area on settlements, or maybe cause the same problem but in interiors (missing textures/meshes). Guess you should be safe to just save, close the game and return it back to 1 if you face problems. But i really don't know :s
  2. No problem, your replies are greatly appreciated!
  3. Maybe it's just that single place. I also use Wasteland Illumination, but i have FI FPS FIX loaded after it. I don't think it changes precombines, just add the light spots. Maybe a different version? I can't remember now. If a mod only add things to the world, without changing how it looks, then it should not conflict. If any mod changes pre combines, than yes, this can happen. LIke FI FPS Fix, or Boston FPS Fix and Beantown Interiors.
  4. Between first time this happened and now (3 different characters, maybe over a year now), i already verified the game with steam and also changed ini files more than once :( It's down to some kind of mod conflict, without knowing what this effect is exactly it's difficult to name possible culprits... Thanks for the suggestion, it usually helps with some problems!
  5. Do you have any mod that add/modify things in this place? Things disappearing like this are related to Pre-combined meshes (as you discovered with the ini setting), so you probably have a conflict with 2 mods that make changes to the place. Try remembering any mod that add something to the pond and either disable it or move it to the bottom of the load the other and test to see if it is gone. In some cases, load order can fix the problem nicely.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion but this started happening randomly with my last character too. I even created another one to try some other mods, and it happened again (the video is actually from the new character). One of the mods must be triggering this, but i am clueless. I asked for it in LL too, i started noticing it *after* (can't be sure, i also installed a lot of other mods at that time) i installed MCG and RSE: CSA. I don't think they are culprits, it was a long time ago. Anyway, no replies there. It could be anything from a single mod to any sort of conflict. I just wanted to know what is this effect so i can get a better idea of what can bring it up :/ I appreciate your help!
  7. Room full of gas? Geez, how is that even triggering here xD Do you by chance know how could i 'disable' this effect from the screen? Is there any other console command for that? I downloaded the mod you linked here and opened it in FO4Edit to take a look. I sincerely do not want to use it (i don't want any more effects when i'm low health hehe), but it made me change the NAC low health image space back to vanilla as i got a bit tired of it anyway. Sadly this is not a fix because i already tried that in the past. Thanks anyway!
  8. Should work as it is a 'fix' for some problems people had on the internet. If you're asking because they are commands from Skyrim, most of them are the same. Same engine, etc.
  9. Hello! So, to be short, i am having a strange visual bug that i just can't understand where it comes from. So, if you know what is it and what could cause it, please tell me. Here is a video to show the visual effect: Basically, it some kind of 'air', or 'wind' swirling around the screen. It happens when i am in combat and go to low life (i do not remember it ever happening without going low life - when the screen darkens). Randomly. Already tried sleeping, waiting some time but the effect never goes away. I already tried SISME 0 and also dispelallspells commands, and neither worked. SO it is not a image space mod and also not any kind of spell attached to the player. I would also like to know if there is any other command to try that can remove this kind of thing, since it's difficult to find such info on the internet. Thanks in advance. If you have any insight about what i could do to find the culprit, please tell me. I had some things in mind, like NAC. But no option from NAC works, neither changing the imagespace modifier for low health back to vanilla. For now, i would just like to understand what kind of effect it is and if there is any console command to get rd of it, so i can start trying to find culprits on my load order. Thanks again, may you have a wonderful day.
  10. 1 - Be completely sure that when creating the ba2, the folders are all starting with Textures, not anything else. If, by chance, you decided to add the files alone and not the folder (Textures) to the ba2, then it will cause problems (had this problem for a while before figuring out). Using Archive2. 2 - Be sure to select DDS when creating the ba2. 3 - Make a ba2 with around 2gb, and no more. Create lots, if needed. Then name everything to any plugin you have that doesn't already have a ba2 being loaded. 4 - Should not matter, but you can pack them directly, without the 'Data' folder, since mod managers deal only with this folder already.
  11. That's fine. This seemed to help me play the game for longer without the performance going down after loading my saves multiple times. My memory in cache was growing and would never clean by itself, why windows operates this way is beyond me but since it apparentely helped me, i am passing on the information, maybe this can help others? I am never saying to people to use it, hence why i'm posting a link to google, so whoever clicks on it can read before installing anything. I have 16gb 1600mhz Corsair and a SSD. You say it's bullshit and all, and that's fine. Hope you can help them then.
  12. Sorry, DjinnKiller, i am posting a link of google where people can read about and maybe try it? My game used to crash a lot, especially after loading a save game, inclusing loss of fps after every load, and now i barely experience a crash. Surely i changed some other things, but this was one. If this can be a helper, why shouldn't i """"spam"""" it? I am not even saying "use this and your problems will be over". Setting the memory size of enblocal to true helps with the game not loading stuff and for some people, 4096 no matter what their hardware is, seemed to solve the issue, while using large values sometimes appear not to be the way to go. There are videos to do the math about it and 14000 was just a 'random' value. You won't be using exact numbers like 4096 = 4gb. This would need testing, and if nothing changed for you, it can't mean nothing will change to others. Unless things changed in FO4, of course, and i am outdated with what i did here myself. Then, excuse me. We never know what can be causing problems, is it wrong to suggest testing something? I only said that i already had problems with faulty memory and suggested 2 things that, who knows, can change something
  13. huh strange. Try changing what i said, and also you could try looking at your video card software if there are options about the screen ratio for game. If you are not running the game in the same resolution from your monitor, some strange things can happen. Here i play with 2560x1440 on a 4k monitor, and if i set Fullscreen or fake fullscreen (can't remember which now), the game goes beyond my screen, like if i was only seeing the upper left part of the game screen... (instead of downscaling the screen, the game upscales it... God knows why) On a last resource, some programs run with scaling issues on my 4k monitor and i found out that changing the DPI settings under compatibility of the exe would help with that. So you could also try to set the DPI to be executed by system instead of app. Who knows if this can help in any way, sometimes games act strange and have stranger solutions. And sorry, i'm really tired and my head wants to hurt, prob the reason why my understanding of english is a bit compromised... but it is bedtime anyway. Hope you can fix it! (:
  14. Blue screen is something really big, you know? Are you SURE your memory is fine? Last time i had a blue screen my memory was good to be discarded and had lots of errors in MEMTEST. Bought a pair of Corsair after and never had problems again. I must say the old memory was not that old, only one year or 2 of use. Also, about memory, have you already read anything about EmptyStandbyList? About FO4, have you already tried to set VideoMemorySizeMB in ENBlocal to a normal size, like 4096 or 14000?
  15. I will never forget playing FO3 and going to Arefu or Big Town (pardon me if the names are wrong)... FO3 really show how disgraced everyone is. They are so f*cked up that they don't even care anymore. And they have reasons, the game shows reasons. People are being kidnapped and eaten by Mutties, or being bullied by raiders. You rescue people from the bad boys. You try to help them. In FO4 you go rescue a girl that was actually not kidnapped but went there by herself, from a gangsta... People ask for help but nothing really happened... Kid go try to enter the Forged and nothing really happens... just like "hey kid i told you not to go"... They did create a Fallout in Boston, but most things are just childish and looks like people are complaining with their bellies full. In DCity, the quests are all something you could see in GTA. Bad radio guy and owner of bar kidnapped... but no torture, nothing. You don't find him in pieces. Husband angry because his wife is cheating him... Farmers talk about raiders, say their daughter got killed and you get a locket back... And that's it... So much wasted potential to create a desolate world...
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