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Anyone know how to fix .dll files saying 'windows in dos error'?


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Hello everyone. So I am having some difficulty. I just downloaded sse fixes and sse engine fixes and I am trying to check the dll files on these mods to see if they are working. The problem is, every time I do, I get this damn message on my notepad that's been driving me insane to get rid of:


º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
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These weird symbols are spread out all over the notepad and I have no idea what they mean. I've spent a couple of hours trying to fix this problem. I've looked up websites and youtube videos on possible fixes but no solution as of yet. I'm quite positive it's not the mods as I tried opening other dll files on my computer with the same results. Here is what I've tried so far:
- I did the obvious solution first: I checked my system configuration utility to see if I was somehow loading in safe mod with my knowledge. It was showing as a normal boot up.
- I tried copying and pasting the .dll files onto my sys32 and sys64 folders within windows file. One of the .dll files was not copied in there previously and I hoped that would fix it but it still showed the same message. I then registered them with the cmd command prompt regsvr32 with the file name but it gave me an error msg saying: .dll file was loaded but the entry-point dll register server could not be found.
- Next I popped open the cmd with administrator and I tried the /scannow and apparently I have some kind of corrupted files in my computer but the cmd can't repair it.
- So, after that, I popped in my windows 10 cd repair and tried startup repair. After literally one second it said it couldn't repair my OS.
Anyone else had this problem before? If so, how did you fix it? I would really appreciate any suggestions as trying to fix it so far gave me a huge headache lol.
Edited by Akulakha
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