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Scripted On-Hit Behavior?


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I tried several mods about "realistic" damage and terminal ballistics, but I'm not satisfied. I especially don't like that you always have to fight to death in games. Fights also lack the unpredictability they show in the real world, especially as in FO4 vanilla without drug use there is no critical damage chance out of VATS (which I never use). BTW excuse my English, it's not my native language.


I'm interested in wound ballistics since 30+ years and studied a lot of it, so maybe my expectations are a bit too high for the restricted game mechanics, but ... :happy:


So, could NPC behavior when being hit be scripted, with cascading consequences? When it comes to scripts, I always shy away because I don't know anything about it, so I ask here.


My thoughts are quite simple, make two conditioned stances first and apply normal game damage only to one. What I mean more specifically, for example for a human/supermutant, numbers are not set in stone:


1. When hit there is a 50% chance of entering bleeding state on the ground, does not depend on caliber or area hit or could be related to some hit zones, like head/torso/groin

(simulates the fact that a lot of humans stop fighting when hit with whatever although there is no biophysical reason at all)


2. When in bleeding state there is

- a chance (lets say 20%) of bleeding to death

- a chance of 30% of bleeding to 50% percent health, thereafter recovering

- a chance of 50% of bleeding to 25% health, thereafter recovering


If the heath percentages are not recognisable by the game, the bleeding could be a fixed amount of time and hp/sec, too, with several intensities. Maybe even better because more unpredictable.


People in bleeding stance are killable. There could be a lot of options for after-bleeding-state behavior perhaps, but that is out of my scope. Normally the NPC would show his usual behavior after it, so attacking player if he/she is still around, doing his secret digital stuff if player is gone.


3. If no bleeding state occurs, the normal primitive damage formula of the game applies, so a fight to the death is necessary by reducing hp to zero with hits.

(simulates the fact that in lots of cases there is no immediate incapacitation (the famous "stopping") when hit but the persons stay in fight till the CNS is destroyed or they bleed out.


4. Some NPCs could be not affected by bleeding stance or had less chances to enter, f.e. because they are drug users, mean bosses or so (could there be a keyword?). Animals could flee (is this possible in the game at all? can humans flee?) if hit instead of sitting on the floor. Deathclaws and similar monsters would have course never flee (aka bleed). Robots neither.


5. As the player is a determined ... super-hero, his/her chance of entering bleeding state is of course zero.

Although I'd hope for a hardcore version where the player is affected as I don't like differences between player and NPCs. That would also compensate the fact that the game might be easier to a certain degree in some situations because bleeding stance incorporation increased win chances.


6. Maybe I think too much about FO4 and should read a book instead and drink a glass of wine? :ermm:

Edited by geala
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These mods, albeit nice, don't do the same (I already use a bleeding system in my game), as there is no scripted out-of-combat behavior. The second mod with the crippled limbs would be a nice addition, of a third state, hampered but still in fight.


Ok, I think my wishes are perhaps too complicated for such a game, and perhaps also too script heavy. :laugh:

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