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Skyrim Respawn Mod??


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I use it. It works great, but any NPC who has been moved to the clean up cell before you used it will respawn in that cell.


As far as the time it takes to respawn, you need to change that setting yourself, unless you can find a simple mod that make this very small change in the creation kit.


There are three to changes in the creation kit in the game gameplay settings...


iHoursToClearCorpses - 24

iHoursToRespawnCell - 240

iHoursToRespawnCellCleared - 720


Open the esp with the creation kit and in the top bar go to Gameplay and select Settings, the type 'hours' and the three will pop up. Change the values and then save.


I use 24 hours for all three, but if you want to wait longer, use whatever you want. These settings are for all respawns throughout the entire game.


Also, Boss puts this mod close to the bottom of the loader order, right above Water, but I moved it closer to the top near the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, because it edits NPC's individually and if you have any other mods that edit these NPC's you'll want those mods to get priority at the bottom.

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