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Bizarre Poison Apple Problems


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Once you have finished the Dark Brotherhood questline the Cheydinhal sanctuary will be inhabited again. Not sure how the new ones will get along with the old ones. More info on the new ones from the UESP Wiki: Arquen and the Dark Brotherhood Murders.


I had already finished it. I didn't like that there were only four people in there. It felt a bit lonely.


The revived Brotherhood players are interacting with the new "Murderers" like they're all one big family. Vincent will go up to a Murderer and say "Excuse me brother, but I had a question about one of your recent contracts..." and they'll have a typical Brotherhood conversation. Without the old players, the new murderers never said anything to one another.


I suggest giving it a shot. It's nice to have six (sometimes seven if the woman with the bow is visiting) and the three murderers plus the woman who gives you money for delivering the Night Mother's weekly contract, all walking around and doing things together.




I resurrected Lucien Lachance as well. He also interacts with the Brotherhood with the standard dialogue, but he stands in one place. I put him in the common room.


Since your post explaining how the traveling characters often get killed, I've had an interest in going through the character lists and finding anyone who's dead and bringing them back to life. It's a bit of a chore, but if its as successful as repopulating the Sanctuary, then it'll be worth it, I think.

Edited by EmperorGarm
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For future reference here's a couple of options to consider:


Whispered Warning - offers an option to keep the original DB members alive

Darkforthers_Lucien Lachance Alive Again_V3 - So Lucien has a 'life' after death

A Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - Ocheeva and Arquen will still want the same bed though (easily fixable in the CS)

A Brotherhood Renewed - in case you want the story to continue a bit more


Your resurrected Lucien has the same problem as resurrected dead bodies (those which are only ever dead bodies in vanilla) or clones created with 'createfullactorcopy' ... no AI packages. The Lucien Alive mod gets around that little detail for you. Which refID did you use when you resurrected Lucien ... 2FD77 or 34B0? The first is the Lucien you know from prior to the Following a Lead quest, the second from after.

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For future reference here's a couple of options to consider:


Whispered Warning - offers an option to keep the original DB members alive

Darkforthers_Lucien Lachance Alive Again_V3 - So Lucien has a 'life' after death

A Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - Ocheeva and Arquen will still want the same bed though (easily fixable in the CS)

A Brotherhood Renewed - in case you want the story to continue a bit more


Your resurrected Lucien has the same problem as resurrected dead bodies (those which are only ever dead bodies in vanilla) or clones created with 'createfullactorcopy' ... no AI packages. The Lucien Alive mod gets around that little detail for you. Which refID did you use when you resurrected Lucien ... 2FD77 or 34B0? The first is the Lucien you know from prior to the Following a Lead quest, the second from after.


I chose the first, non-hunted version.


A broader question, is there a mod that will make the entire game seem more lively? I know that Dragon Age: Origins was a mod that places a ton more nameless NPC's all with AI scrips, so that they walk somewhere, do something rather than just stand around, and it's for the entire game. I there a large, broad mod along this level?


And thanks for all your responses, by the way.

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I don't have any experience around those kinds of mods myself, but I know there are some. A search using 'Crowded Roads' on Oblivion Nexus turns up this list. Roaming NPCs sounds interesting. Pages two and three of the search results have a few variations of the Crowded Roads mod, and then there's Tamreil Travellers 139c. Perhaps some users of those mods or others will have some suggestions/advice.


- Edit - Reading through the mods comments for Roaming NPCs and the more recent ones for Tamreil Travellers brings me to make a couple of observations ... adding a bunch of NPCs to the world is 1) a good thing, 2) not without pitfalls.

Edited by Striker879
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I don't have any experience around those kinds of mods myself, but I know there are some. A search using 'Crowded Roads' on Oblivion Nexus turns up this list. Roaming NPCs sounds interesting. Pages two and three of the search results have a few variations of the Crowded Roads mod, and then there's Tamreil Travellers 139c. Perhaps some users of those mods or others will have some suggestions/advice.


- Edit - Reading through the mods comments for Roaming NPCs and the more recent ones for Tamreil Travellers brings me to make a couple of observations ... adding a bunch of NPCs to the world is 1) a good thing, 2) not without pitfalls.


Thanks Striker. I will look through all of this. For the moment, I need an Oblivion break. Been playing it for about a month strait and I have an itch to revisit some SNES games. Once I restart, I'm going to blaze through the remainder of the game then try some of these beautiful mods you've suggested. And not use poison apples anymore. :-)

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